Gardians of Analog Received Digital Information Assurance for Networks and Signals

The PAXV Project
Gardians of Analog Received Digital Information Assurance for Networks and Signals
The first mechanical calculator in 1642 offered by Blaise Pascal was sold as a device that would eventually perform all four arithmetic operations without relying on human intelligence. Again, in 1886 Charles Sanders Peirce described how logical operations could be carried out by electrical switching circuits. Be aware that this is a miniscule sample in history, where a multitude of examples exist. Digital circuits are required to reduce energy signals to one of two values in order to function as a calculator. Digital circuits technically have been around for over a century.
The logic circuit is simple and perfect for the designed purpose. However, the awesome ability to compute the four basic mathematic functions wasn’t enough to cover human advancements. As calculators became computers, mathematics became complex circuits, and the two-state digital logic was asked to do too much. Digital architecture was never thought capable of doing what digital is failing to do today thanks to bailing wire architectures and deceptive marketing/sales tactics.
Today we are working on building an analog circuit that will do the job that analog is equipped to do and will relive digital circuits from the over-burdensome workload. On this website you will be educated on how the analog circuit will benefit the U.S. Government and specifically the U.S. Intelligence Community.
Creative Thinking
Electro-Proprioception (EPIC) mimics the human Proprioceptive system which enables a person to know the position of any and every body part without thinking about it. EPIC can use every electrical signal in the universe, such as the IoT, to predetermine, prejudge, and Precondition digital responses to inbound electrical signals.
The ElectroMagnetic Operating System (EMOS) functions as any operating system on any digital device with one significant alteration in design. EMOS is not digital, and it is not contained by a footprint. EMOS attaches to and enslaves any electrical device that EPIC has targeted. Once a device of any type is targeted and acquired EMOS presents the device as a peripheral component to the EMOS and enslaves every capability, function, and setting of the device.
The EPIC capability is unrestricted in functions, target management, parallel processing, information acquisition, and information distribution. EMOS operates within the universe of particle energy (analog) and is not subject to any of the artificial constructs of digital systems. EMOS is enabled by design to operate at near-speed-of-light which enables true real-time, actual machine learning and real self-Governing system intelligence to produce machine cognition and autonomic computing.
Advanced Quantum Physics
Does an instant really exist? Is an instant exactly how long it takes for a particle to travel from one end of the universe to the other? Is it possible that an instant is slower than reality? Does anything happen in an instant?
In the final analysis time is irrelevant, and time in quantities is an artificial construct. Everything happens when it is going to happen and as quickly as necessary. This is not a statement of predestination but of absolutes. Something is going to happen regardless of the cause and the affect is going to result when it is going to. This is the universe, this is science, and this is why digital is always going to need a fundamental shift from time, and measurement based dependencies.
True Science
Science is lonely, isolated, and has nobody in attendance. True science is as much art as it is clinical study or laboratory evidence. COVID-19 isn’t science but the people who made it developed it using science and the people who managed it had no use for science. Science finds Truth and with Truth it advances humanity. If science produces anything other than Truth it isn’t science, it’s a false narrative.
Digital is similar to COVID-19 in that there is no science involved with digital. Science is holding it up, making it function, and enabling advancements but digital is a false narrative. Digital systems are designed to work on abstract constants such as voltage or current and the design is based on abstract constructs such as a unit of 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256 of those voltage/current pairs. As a calculator the design works great but as a “do everything imaginable” platform it lacks the underpinnings of quantum mechanics.
Quantum Mechanics is more than science, its deeper than art, and it’s the cornerstone of existence. There is absolutely nothing without a particle and that includes waveforms. The mind bending that occurs with a focus on quantum is the realization that reality is never more than perception. The statement that nothing exists without a particle is a mindbender because even a jar with nothing in it is still 100% full of particles. If you go one step further and remove a particle from the empty jar, the jar will fail to exist.
This concept behind PAXV, EPIC, EMOS, AIDC, AIDA, every foundational component involved in stabilizing the digital ecosystem is focused on managing energy. PAXV is working to build the world’s first energy management system working in conjunction with quantum elements throughout the known universe to eliminate digital ambiguity and failings.